Locks of Love - Please Sponsor me
Locks of Love accepts a 10 inch minimum hair length. Locks of Love can use ponytails from 6 to 10 inches, but instead of being donated, the shorter hair is sold at fair market value to offset the organization's costs. I would prefer to donate my hair at the full 10 inches so that it can be used for prostheses. The prostheses help to restore self-esteem and confidence, enabling people to better face the world and their peers.
I am asking for YOUR sponsorship by collecting pledges for $1.00 per inch, or any increment you want to give. I will be collecting pledges until my hair gets to the 10 inches (or until I cannot stand wearing a ponytail any longer!). I already have about 7 inches of hair to donate, and think that I can meet my goal of 10 inches by August 14th. Sponsor me and give me motivation to keep my ponytail until then! If you're interested in sponsoring me, comment below, or email me at cmbower@att.net. Here's the info I will need from you:
March 2 Ponytail Progress - 10 inches total, about 7 to spare
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