Eco Minded

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Home Again...Horoscope Review

So I just got back from Florida. Ok, maybe not JUST back...what day is it today? I think I came back Sunday. Or did I leave on a Sunday, and come back on a Thursday? Dunno...I'm averaging about two trips a month, so it's hard to keep track of the dates. Anyhoo, I was there this time for about 2 weeks, helping out the folks. The time flew by on this trip, even though I was there longer. SO much to do. I had had my computer with me, so I was able to keep tabs on my horoscope while I was there. I thought the 'cast many days was rather fitting. Help me decide.

...and for those of you guessing, I'm a Capricorn! ;-)

January 07, 2007
(this was the day I plane was 2 hours late, my luggage got lost, and I had to drive 2 hours in the rain to get to my parents' house)
Apply some of your charm toward a noble cause today and watch what happens. You, more than any other sign, understand that you need to take care of business before you kick up your heels. After all, you can only truly enjoy yourself with a clear conscience. The stars thoroughly approve. Being aware of your place in this world is also making you aware of how a bit of positive energy can move mountains. Apply some of your charm toward a higher cause -- your impact will astound you.

January 08, 2007
(now in day old stale clothes, I took my mom to the doctor...we found out she had pneumonia too, along with my dad)
Time is definitely precious, but it's not as rare as some people would have you believe. You basically have all the time you want, especially right now -- your schedule is under your exclusive control for a limited period of time, and you should make the most of it! If you need time to get back with your people, share some laughs and catch up on the latest friendly gossip, you just have to make it! Reschedule an appointment and move some things around.
Forget career concerns for now. The stars say it's time to focus on feeling good, expanding your sense of humor and taking some quality time for yourself. A new health regimen started at this time will really help.

January 09, 2007
(my luggage was delivered at 2am this day. We got an offer on the house.)
Big things are about to happen, and you are a bit less than fully prepared. No one can blame you, what with all the running around you've been doing to help someone else. You will have to rely on your wits for this particular adventure -- which might be just the thing to shake things up in a good way. Your organizational skills have always helped you, but they are not essential to your success -- you'll experience an empowering sense of improvisation. The outlook on a relationship, financial circumstance or health issue is looking much, much rosier. Just make sure that this good news doesn't lead you to rest on your laurels. Keep up all your current efforts.

January 10, 2007
(I started to get sick myself...a sore throat. I cleaned my parents house for 5 hours this day. )
Focus on other people's issues today, and think about what you can do to help them. Your abilities bring attention to a neglected area that's been swept under the rug for too long.
Sitting around and worrying about your personal problems is not going to help you work through any of them, now is it? A much better tactic would be to focus on other people's issues and think about what you can do to help the people you love. Thanks to your leadership, old issues are illuminated and people are motivated to take positive action. You'll feel better about yourself, and you'll gain a new perspective. You have a strong ability to be compassionate without losing your objectivity. Strive to be honest without hurting anyone's feelings.

January 11, 2007
(I missed an interview back in Chicago w/Discover. Oh well. They told me hiring for it was on hold and not to worry about it. )
When someone comes up with an awfully bizarre idea, be careful about blurting out what you really think right away -- the person suggesting it thinks it's brilliant. Instead, try to view this nutty notion from a few different perspectives, so you can carefully and impersonally point out flaws. Provide a reality check -- tactfully. Suggest that there are quite a few downsides, and advise this person to think this plan through a little bit more before revealing it to the rest of the world. When you're in a relationship it's important to own up to all of your wishes and desires, not just the polite ones. Repressing what you need leads to resentment. Being honest may not be easy, but it saves time.

January 12, 2007
(Mom's getting back on her feet now. The house offer didn't go through.)
The good news for today is that you have a totally accurate idea of what you are dealing with -- and what you will have to start dealing with. There is no need to doubt the thoughts that are flying around in your head right now, even if other people are telling you that you're being dramatic (or paranoid). That's not true at all -- you are right on target and are right about your suspicions. Act on your convictions and be aggressive in what you want to accomplish. Don't doubt your suspicions. You're not being paranoid -- you're being wise. Dropping the judgment is so helpful to your life, your blood pressure and your social interactions, especially when it comes to the people you love. You all lead very different lives. It's time to forgive and forget.

January 13, 2007
(I think we went ot Aunt Jean's house this day) Divide and conquer -- that's not only an effective strategy for battle. It can help you conquer many different conflicts in your life, too. Separating the good parts of people's personalities from the bad parts will help you argue your case without getting too personal. Focus on what you like about the people around you, and if you can't come up with anything, then ask yourself why you're so personally invested in this disagreement. Overcommitting yourself could lead to some big headaches. Avoid unrealistic deadlines and demands, especially from loved ones. You're extremely overdue when it comes to taking some time in yourself.

January 14, 2007
(I think we went back to Aunt Jean's house this day. I purchased the light fixture an visited w/Marge)
You are very insightful right now, and your front door is a likely stop along the way for people who are looking for answers or who will be seeking your advice. Risky business has never seemed more appealing, but do you really have the emotional or fiscal resources to risk on this venture? Think about your current state and whether you're ready to change all that. You'll be quite in demand today, by folks who simply want to compare notes and by folks who need major life help. Yet the tone of your day will not be filled with hopelessness, crisis or sadness. It will be all about connecting with other people. There will be a lot of laughter and bonding. Realize that life is a crazy ride.

January 15, 2007
(I bought my return ticket home this day. I installed the light fixture)
Today your imagination, dreams and fantasies will provide other people with entertainment. After you perform for these folks, you should reach out to them for advice. You've been in a thick fog about how you feel about someone else, and a conversation with a close mutual friend will bring some clarity. Plus, you are likely to pick up on facts that you didn't quite pick up on before. That fancy status item or life change is beckoning to you, but something is holding you back, and rightly so. Listen to your instincts. You'll know it when the time is right to make your move. You'll know what to say to the source of confusion by the end of the day.

January 16, 2007
(this is the day we sold the boat. I visited at length w/Jerry and Uncle Dale)
Focus on those business deals! This is a great cosmic configuration for you to hammer out the fine points of a deal. Strike now while the iron is hot, as you could find yourself sitting in the catbird seat. A question that's been burning a hole in your mind will finally get answered today. So how should you go about getting your query addressed? Skip the sweet talk and don't beat around the bush -- go right to the source and ask what you want to know, point blank. This person will be momentarily shocked by your boldness, but will be secretly thrilled that you care. It's flattering to be the source of gossip.

January 17, 2007
(the new water system was installed today. I finished projects around the house)
Teaching an old dog new tricks isn't hard when the dog wants to improve itself! You can sense something new starting in your life, so why not go with this feeling and make some personal changes? In order to take advantage of an upcoming transition, you'll have to let go of a few old habits. But one glimpse at your possible future will show you that all the effort will be worthwhile. Today you will be handed a golden opportunity on a silver platter. Keep busy and invest a lot of time in exploring your options. That way you can make the most of these stern astrological energies moving through your life. Make an effort to stay on track and you'll come out ahead.

January 18, 2007
(this is the day I flew home)
Get ready for unexpected flirtation and generous acts meant to turn your head and get your attention. You are about to enter a bright, sunshiny period in your life. Positive energy is all over you, like bees on honey. Life is about to be very sweet. If you are in the mood for romance, the stars are orchestrating an 'accidental' meeting for you and a very unique person. Upheaval may feel unsettling (to say the least), but it also supplies many opportunities that may not come again. Chaos helps give birth to a new and better world order. Figure out how to make the most of this time.


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