Eco Minded

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Big day, little shoe

Still on crutches, but wearing my regular shoes!

Today we're off to Ely to the wireless store to see if they have cell phone charger - seems we left ours when we pit-stopped at Kate's.

After that, we headed into Babbitt for part 2 of Peter Mitchell Days - today's the big Babbitt parade. When we met up with Kate, John and Barb, we caught them sneaking more pie at the Lutheran Church Pie Social. No one can resist a good homemade pie crust.

The parade was "a hoot" with several imported beauty queens, one band that traveled about 60 miles to be there, and the Babbitt Mayor in an old, rusty La Baron convertible. Oh and let's not forget the Ely Klown Band.


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