Eco Minded

Friday, July 28, 2006

1 Daze - I mean Day - to the Engagement Party

After a good night's sleep (that is to say, it seems Mocha's drama has "passed", pardon the pun), we were up early gain, this time for salon appointments for me and Heather - me for a manicure, her for a pedicure. The jitters have set in, and I rambled-on to my nail tech the whole time and could hardly keep myself (or my hands) still. Just as I was getting started with the manicure, my cellphone ran and it was Sean saying my parents had arrived at my house! FINALLY! So we finished up our beauti-fying and headed back to my house. My parents actually made pretty good time, and great time considering they had to stop in Valdosta to buy new tires. (long story there...). As it is, it seems fortunate timing worked out they way it did, because my brother has had kidney stones the last few days, and they would not have been able to do much together if mt parents had arrived earlier.

So we gathered ourselves up again, and headed off to Sean's townhouse to get my parents settled in. After that, Sean, Heather and I went for - what else again - more food! We went to Champps, which is ironic because that's where Sean and I had our first meeting/date. So of course, cocktails were in order! Hey, it's 5 o'clock somewhere!

The rest of the day will be odds 'n ends getting ready for the party, and once Sean's family gets into town and checked into their hotel rooms (which should be early evening) we will be going out to meet up with them, and possibly out to dinner. Then it's back to Sean's townhouse to check on my parents, and also drop off a cell phone for them to use, since there's no phone hooked up out there. Then I have to get back home before my crystal carriage (aka the Honda) turns into a pumpkin, because I do need to get my beauty rest - afterall, tomorrow's a big day!

Summer vacation at Timber Bay - July 2006


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