Eco Minded

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

4 Days to the Engagement Party

Well, the weather forecast for Saturday's party has been back and forth between low-80s-and-mild to high-80s-and-humid. It may still be too early to tell. Either way, it looks like it will be a pleasant evening to take the party outside to the deck. When my mom arrives tomorrow, she'll be pleased to see it's not ALWAYS snowy in Chicago!

Not too much exciting going on today, just a bunch of odds 'n ends. I need to try to stay off my feet today, because my ankle and shin are all bruised and swollen again. [sigh]. Bruises are not what I had in mind for "something blue"! Drama Dog had us up again at 3:30 last night with her nightly case of the runs, so her Pepto regimen begins. Sean and I are both itching for a long, full night's sleep...hopefully uninterrupted slumber is soon to be in our own personal forecasts!

Our Christmas card photo - December 2005


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